Tuesday, January 3, 2017

right - so after a randomly stressful morning i bought a coffee on my way into work.


and although it is within the rules i also bought a new brake lines for my motorcycle. $156.

since i began doing this, all of 2 days ago all my thoughts have been focused on but what do i need, i better get more shorts, i only have 3 or 7 pairs and new jeans too, i only have 2 of them, but what about if it gets cold, i'm sure my 3 motorcycle jackets, 3 denim jackets, 3 hoodies and 5 flannels will cover me... I live in fucking brisbane....

my work mate asked me, what happens if you lose a bunch of weight and your clothes dont fit anymore?   if on the off chance this happens, i'm bringing the 90's back.

Monday, January 2, 2017

its only been about 5 hours. This will take some getting used  to.

day 2 3/1/2017

after no deliberation I decided that this year i would buy nothing, or as close to nothing as I can.

so outside of mortgage and bills - I am allowed to spend my money on the following things

  • food
  • fuel
  • parts and mechanical repairs - cars and motorbikes
  • occasional treats for my kids. 

And if really really needed - shoes.

I will bring my lunch to work every damn day. I will try very hard to quit buying coffee,  i will not buy any work snacks.

I pledge that I

  • will make no major purchases on credit
  • will  buy no new clothes
  • will buy no video games or toys

and If possible i will not update my phone

By years end I aim to clear all my credit card debts, have a streamlined wardrobe, to have built the motorcycle hiding in my shed and taught my son how to ride a bike.

i will keep a spreadsheet of coffee and snack purchases
and post photos of anything i buy outside of my rules.